Diaries in Life and Fiction

DIARIES. As someone who has kept journals of one sort or another most of my life, I’m  also interested in the diary as a fictional device.  Here are a few words about my journaling and notes on two recent novels where diaries are key to the underlying story.

My first diary, which I no longer have, was the size of a paperback book with a bright pink plastic cover and came with a key to lock it. I was probably 11 or 12 when I started writing in this and know that my entries began, “Dear Diary.”

Recently I re-discovered a journal I began when I was seventeen and midway through my senior year in high school. I vowed in it to try and write every day. Early entries record my responses to teachers and classes as well as petty annoyances with friends. I am transcribing this journal as a Word document with the thought that perhaps someday my granddaughters might be interested in reading it. This is in keeping with a larger project of transcribing other journals.   I’ve completed our first European trip in 1971 and another one from 1990 when the Chief Penguin was appointed dean of engineering.


The Shape of Mercy by Susan Meissner  

Meissner presents Mercy Hayworth, a teenager in Salem, Massachusetts, who is a victim of the witch trials, to her readers solely through her diary. In the present day, college student Lauren Durough is hired by octogenarian Abigail Boyles to transcribe Mercy’s handwritten diary. Abigail is distantly related to Mercy, hence her interest in having it transcribed. Lauren, from a rich family, is sorting out her own life and worrying over how she judges or, more often, misjudges others’ actions and intentions.

I am not sure why I liked this novel as much as I did. In some ways, the premise that Abigail and Lauren would develop a closeness is an unlikely one and, one might also question why Mercy’s diary has such a dramatic impact on Lauren. The diary itself is well conceived and convincing, however, and I kept on reading to the end. (~JW Farrington)

The Summer Guest by Alison Anderson  

This is a beautiful novel that deserves to be savored like an extended afternoon tea.  It unfolds slowly focusing on the diary kept by Zinaida Lintvaryova during the several years Anton Chekhov and his family spent summers in the Ukrainian countryside.  Zinaida was a real person, the eldest daughter in her family, and a doctor. She developed a brain illness and began suffering headaches and gradually lost her sight. The Chekhov family did summer in Sumy in the late 1880’s, but the diary is this author’s creation.

In it, Chekhov talks candidly with the now blind Zinaida about the novel he’s working on. Linking the diary to the present are two other women: Katya Kendall, a publisher in London, who sends the Russian manuscript of the diary to an established translator, Ana Harding, based in Switzerland.  Katya is desperate to save her business and hopes the diary will do that.  Ana, who spent time in the Ukraine in younger days, becomes caught up in Zinaida’s diminished life, her friendship with Anton, and their far ranging conversations about life, literature, and philosophy.  For each of these women, Zinaida, Katya, and Ana, the diary prompts a reckoning with her own life—its disappointments and joys, its sorrows and shortcomings.

I was curious about Alison Anderson and aspects of her life show up in Ana.  Like Ana, she lives in a Swiss village and is a translator as well as a novelist.  Obviously, her work as a translator informs the depiction of what getting works to translate involves.  And, since this is yet another historical novel that features a famous author, I found this article in LitHub theorizing why there are so many of these novels of particular interest.  It’s by Helen Mcalpin.  As you might guess by now, I loved this novel! (~JW Farrington)


Three Billboards outside Ebbing Missouri

This is one of the most intense films I’ve seen recently. When Mildred Hayes, angry and grief-stricken that the police have not made any progress on solving the rape and murder of her teenage daughter, rents space on three billboards to publicly question the chief of police, she sets off a powder keg of hate and violence. Fights, fires, and general unpleasantness color everyday interactions.

Frances McDormand is magnificent as the mother. You want to sympathize with her pain and yet can’t condone all of her actions. You feel for her son and her estranged husband and also for Willoughby, the “good old boy” police chief, and eventually even for immature, misguided officer Dickson who exhibits racist tendencies.  Definitely worth seeing!

Note:  Header photo from www.brandsgifts.ae; other photos by this author.

End of the Year Tidbits

As December comes to a close, I’d like to be optimistic that 2018 will be a more civilized year.  This year has been challenging on the national level and reading the daily newspaper an exercise in anger, frustration, and discouragement.  Just perhaps, things will get better in the new year, and we can again be proud of our country and not cringe when we travel abroad.

On a happier note, for us personally, it’s been a year filled with the joy of watching our granddaughters thrive while appreciating our son and daughter-in-law as wonderful parents; of savoring the adventures of international travel; of enjoying the stimulation of the local arts and culture scene; of loving being a part of a warm and caring island community; and of being thankful for continued good health!  Here’s to a healthy, happy 2018 for all!



I read a good review of Nicolas Montemarano’s new novel, The Senator’s Children, so when I saw it in Three Lives & Co., I snapped it up.  And read it immediately and quickly.  It’s inspired by John Edwards’ failed presidential campaign and his trials and tribulations.  But it’s told from the perspective of the children, primarily Senator David Christie’s older daughter Betsy (in her mid-30’s during much of the action) and his younger daughter, Avery, product of an affair, and whom he doesn’t really know and who’s now a college student. There’s a little bit of son Nick who dies in an accident.  It’s heartbreakingly beautiful, and you feel for all the members of this damaged family.


Manhattan, When I Was Young by Mary Cantwell was published in 1995It’s a memoir of her life in the city as a college graduate, then wife and mother, and magazine journalist in the 50’s and 60’s.  The book is divided in sections labeled with her address at each point.  Most of her abodes were in the West Village and, for me, her descriptions of these streets and their noted buildings were remarkably familiar and enjoyable.  This is also a coming of age story.   Cantwell lacked self confidence and spent much time questioning herself and her purpose.  She married young, but was not always willing to share her thoughts or herself with her husband, and she wasn’t even sure initially about her job and whether she liked it or not.  Much of what she reveals is painful and raw, but articulately put forth.


I’m aware that The Crown is not a documentary and there have been quibbles about some of what is presented, but I’m finding the second season fascinating and wonderfully entertaining.  Seeing events that I recall somewhat from my youth (Suez Canal crisis, e.g.) played out in detail is re-visiting the personalities of history.  I’m especially fond of Tommy Lascelles who gets called back in from retirement to deal with tricky crises and found Queen Elizabeth’s interactions with Jackie Kennedy believable, even though I don’t think the actress who plays Mrs. Kennedy is completely convincing.

A Place to Call Home.  I was concerned that this Australian series (on Acorn) was verging on soap opera-ish, but Season 5, while looking that way in the early episodes, redeems itself and presents a cast of complex characters and some high drama in the late 1950’ and early 60’s.  Racial prejudice against the aborigines, silence around homosexuality, and the lingering scars of the Second World War are all here.  One of the best episodes, “The Anatomy of His Passing,” is about Douglas Goddard and is so very sensitively done—and highlights how medical times were and were not changing.


Paola’s is around the corner from where we stayed on the Upper East Side.  It was so good that we had dinner there twice!  Standouts are the pasta dishes.  The agnolotti with veal and spinach in a veal reduction with black truffles was outstanding.  Equally good was the trofie offering we shared on our second visit.  This twisted pasta shape is served with green beans and chunks of potato in pesto.  A classy dining room with white glove service.  Definitely a keeper!

Note:  All photos ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved).

Girl surrounded by stacks of books

Favorite Books of 2017


I’ve averaged reading about a book a week this year, mostly novels and a small selection of memoirs and other nonfiction.  Here are my favorites in no particular order.  What were your favorite reads this year?  I’d love to hear from you!


Most Inventive Novel:  The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead for treating the railroad as a physical entity in this story of an escaped slave.

Best Thriller:  Before the Fall by Noah Hawley for keeping me on the edge of my chair after the fictional plane crashes.

Female Slants on WWI & WWII

The Women in the Castle by Jessica Shattuck for great writing about several widows of Hitler’s resisters whose views range from black and white to shades of gray.

The Alice Network by Kate Quinn for gripping linked stories of female spies in both wars.


Best Novels on Social Issues

Small Great Things by Jodie Picoult for exposing her own shortcomings on how we deal with race.

Behold the Dreamers by Mbue Imbolo for giving us an in-depth look at the immigrant experience in Queens circa 2008.


Best Historical Novel:  News of the World by Paulette Jiles for its writing and the poignant journey of a Native American girl and an old newsman.

Best Mystery in a Series:  Garden of Lamentations by Deborah Crombie for the continuing adventures of British detectives Gemma Jones and Duncan Kincaid.

Best Mystery:  The Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz for being a literary puzzle within a puzzle.

Pure Escapism (aka Beach Reads)

Flight Patterns by Karen White for delving into china patterns, bees, and the quirkiness of sisters.

Starlight on Willow Lake by Susan Wiggs for another absorbing story of family relationships about a caregiver for an older woman.


Most Memorable Memoirs

Guesswork by Martha Cooley for exquisite writing about losing dear friends and life in a small Italian village.

Hillbilly Elegy by J. D. Vance for an eye-opening account of growing up in a dysfunctional family in rural America.

Best Political:  What Happened by Hillary Clinton for its comprehensive and soul-baring candor about the 2016 presidential race.


House among the Trees by Julia Glass (novel)

The Little Red Chairs by Edna O’Brien (novel)

Constance Fenimore Woolson by Anne Boyd Rioux (biography)

Lost City of the Monkey God by Douglas Preston (nonfiction)


Tidy Tidbits: Mostly Video


My Mother and Other Strangers (PBS)

If you missed this little gem from last summer, it’s worth seeking out.  Set in the village of Moybeg in Northern Ireland in 1943, it’s the story of a poor town invaded (not literally) by the presence of an American air base.  At the time, Francis Coyne is a rather quiet, but very observant, boy of nine or ten.  In voice-over, the adult Francis reflects on the events of the time and adds in what he only realized later.

His father is a farmer who also runs the local pub.  His mother is both school teacher and shopkeeper.  She deals in ration books and foodstuffs.  Life in the village is simultaneously unsettled or enlivened by the presence of the airmen; which it is  depends upon whether you are a kid who finds it exciting or an old-timer who hates having his life disrupted.  Francis’ mother, Rose, is attracted to Capt. Dreyfuss from the base and he to her.  He seems to offer the romance and poetry lacking in her marriage to Michael.

We’ve seen the first season, and given the way it ended, I feel sure there must be more to come.  Very nicely done!

Alias Grace (Netflix)

I read Margaret Atwood’s historical novel of the same name when it was published and remembered being impressed by it.  Atwood was involved in this TV adaptation and I’m finding it also well done and compelling.  Grace, in prison for committing several murders, has been taken up as a cause by Dr. Jordan, a young doctor of the mind.  She sits with daily interviews with him away from her cell and recounts her life before prison and the events leading up to the murders.  He is a patient, yet persistent, questioner, but also dreams about her.  She is seemingly demure, but with a very active, sharp mind, and attractive to boot.  The pardon committee has taken up her case, and Dr. Jordan is being pressured to finish his evaluation quickly, something he is loath to do.

Broadchurch, Season 3 (Amazon)

Broadchurch remains one of the best crime series I’ve ever seen.    Olivia Coleman and David Tennant as sparring detective partners, Ellie Miller and Alec Hardy, are excellent, but so are the supporting cast who play other members of the community, many we’ve come to know in previous seasons.   I like Broadchurch’s s more deliberate pacing (compared to some American shows), and I’m finding the handling of the rape victim and how she fares realistic and compelling.


Murder on the Orient ExpressLike most of my generation, I’ve seen the original 1934 film version of this Agatha Christie mystery as well as the more recent television series starring David Suchet as Hercule Poirot.  This movie, directed by and starring Kenneth Branagh, is good, but not great.  As one of my sisters noted, it’s slow to start out and then picks up a bit.  Branagh has some of the exaggerated mannerisms and fussiness of other Poirots, but there is less humor or fizz in this version.  It  has a stellar cast (Judi Dench, Michelle Pfeiffer, Olivia Coleman, Johnny Depp, Derek Jacobi, Penelope Cruz et al),  and I had completely forgotten the ending so that was a surprise.


I currently have two books going.  One is Richard Holmes’ Footsteps: Adventures of a Romantic Biographer, and the other is Unfinished Woman, a memoir by Lillian Hellman.  Both are older works; Holmes’ book came out in 1985 and Hellman’s in 1969.  Holmes recounts several journeys he made tracing the paths taken by historic figures whose biographies he will later write.  Unfinished Woman is my pick for the January book group discussion here.  I first read it several years after it was published, and it’s a different experience reading it so many years later.  I am now older than Hellman was when she wrote it!  My opinion of her ramblings keeps varying as I make progress.  More to come on both titles.

Note:  All photos ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved).