Tidy Tidbits: Movies & Medical Mystery

This week we got to two new films and I finished a long and totally absorbing historical novel, The Gilded Hour, set in NYC in 1883.


Florence Foster Jenkins

I will go see Meryl Streep in almost anything and this is a good, not great, movie.  Florence was a real person and Streep is wonderful while Hugh Grant is debonair and perfect in the role of St. Clair, Jenkins’ husband.  The first 10-15 minutes of the film are a bit flat (it looked like someone nearby was snoozing), but it gained life after that and tells an engaging story.

You wonder how someone could sing so poorly and screechily and not know it and be so eager to perform for her friends.  But Madam Florence did and, with the artful persuasion of her husband, convinced a young pianist to accompany her in practice and for her performances.  There is an intriguing back story here, but since I don’t like to be a spoiler, you won’t get it from me!




I was hesitant about seeing this film as I thought it might dwell on scenes of the terrifying water landing.  But there’s much more to it.  I found Tom Hanks very believable as Capt. Sully Sullenberger of the seemingly doomed flight 1549 and liked that the film portrays his emotions and reactions in the hours and days immediately following the landing.  The NTSB hearings with him and his co-pilot were eye-opening about the panelists’ skepticism regarding Sully’s cockpit decisions.    I should note, however, that several recent articles have cast doubt and even aspersions on the way the NTSB panel is portrayed, particularly the head of the panel.  The film is directed by  Clint Eastwood with Laura Linney as Sully’s wife.  Whether this is a faithful accounting of events or not,  it’s a film you won’t easily forget;  images from it haunted my mind before sleep.


The Gilded Hour by Sara Donati

In the past I’ve noticed novels by Sara Donati on bookstore shelves, but had never read any of her work.  She’s a former academic (with a PhD in linguistics) turned historical writer.   This novel, The Gilded Hour, appealed to me for several reasons.  First, it was set in New York City in 1883, a city I know and a time period (19th century) I find fascinating, and, second, it concerns two female physicians, one white and the other mixed race.  Running to more than 700 pages, it is a tome, an old-fashioned linear story of characters both fictional and historical.

Anna and Sophie Savard, the physicians, deal with women’s medical problems when not only abortion, but also the use of contraceptive devices, is illegal.   Anthony Comstock, who appears here, is the U.S. postal inspector who doesn’t shy away from using devious methods to entrap those he considers offenders of the law.  Add to this the search for the missing brothers of two orphaned Italian girls, the mystery of why well-off women are dying from botched abortions, and two parallel love stories.  Donati did an impressive amount of research and her depiction of life in the 1880’s, of the streets in the West Village, the practice of medicine, and the treatment of the poor is comprehensive and precise.  I found it all totally absorbing.  And everything isn’t resolved—a sequel is in the works!


Header photo:  Bad hair day for the ferns cJWFarrington

Tidy Tidbits: Latest Viewing & Reading

We have returned to hot and humid Florida and that means late afternoon trips to the pool, an occasional film, catching up on our favorite TV series, and more reading.  It’s too hot to linger outdoors!


We went to see Indignation on Labor Day afternoon and the audience was all seniors with a few exceptions.  Perhaps because the film is set in the early 1950’s or this audience is familiar with Philip Roth’s work.  In any case, this story of Marcus, a young Jewish guy who leaves New Jersey and his father’s butcher shop for a small college in Ohio, has some surprising twists and turns.  At first, I thought it would be just a classic young love story—unsophisticated boy meets beautiful, worldly girl, becomes enamored of her, and then she dumps him.  Instead, you have a much more complex situation involving sex that Marcus finds confusing and somewhat troubling and encounters with a dean who invents issues where there are none.  The pace is measured and almost deliberate until the final coup de grace.


We’re working through our backlog of recorded programs.  We plowed through several Midsomer Murders 2-parters (some really weird), finished the last (really the end, sigh) of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, and have started Dancing on the Edge.  This series is set in early 1930’s London and concerns a group of rich sophisticates, some of whom actually work, and their jazz band leader friend, Louis Lester, who is black.  A murder in the fancy Imperial Hotel sets the press abuzz and unsettles Music Magazine co-editor Stanley and his friends.

We missed the first episode, but got engaged quite easily with the second one.  Viewers will recognize Stanley, played by Matthew Goode, as Mr. Talbot from Downton Abbey.



Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave

I thought Cleave’s first novel, Little Bee, was superb and I found Incendiary compelling.  Gold, about two Olympic competitors, was good, but not outstanding, and seemed to be geared toward a more commercial market.  His latest, Everyone Brave is Forgiven, is set during the Second World War, and concerns the evolving relationships between four protagonists:  Mary, who signs up for the war and is assigned to an elementary school and later works with problem children not evacuated; Hilda, her best friend; Tom, superintendent of schools and Mary’s boss and later fiancé; and Alistair, an art conservator who enlists as a regular soldier and experiences the brutality of life on the front.

Mary and Hilda ultimately become ambulance drivers rescuing people whose streets have been bombed during the Blitz.  All four are privileged individuals.  Their initial view of the war as something of a short-lived lark is challenged and molded by the carnage they witness.  The tone of the novel is both ironic and off-putting (probably deliberately so) and while the seeds of the novel came from real events in the author’s family, I didn’t feel it totally came together.  Nonetheless, for those of you who are wondering, I did finish it!

La Rose by Louise Erdrich

I’ve had mixed success with Erdrich’s novels.  Some I’ve admired and enjoyed like The Round House; others have left me indifferent.  I was prepared to like her newest novel, La Rose, and the opening chapters were intriguing.  In a hunting accident, a man shoots and kills his neighbor’s young son so he and his wife give their son to be raised by the bereaved parents.  I read 120 pages or about a third of the book, but eventually realized I didn’t care much for most of the characters and was tired of being bogged down in the minutiae of their daily lives.  Ergo, I abandoned the book.  I take some comfort in the fact that blogger Deb of The Book Stop  included it in a short list of books she also didn’t finish.



As someone who appreciates the tactile quality of paperbacks and hardbacks, I was pleased to learn that paper books are read more often than e-books. This from an article in the New York Times print edition (get that emphasis) of Sept. 5 entitled, “The Internet Hasn’t Won…



Cover photo © JWFarrington;  other images colored by her (some rights reserved)

Summer Reading #3: Mainly Mysteries

Here are three titles I read recently:  mysteries by Elizabeth George and Victoria Thompson and a biographical novel by Colum McCann.  Two are great fun; the third requires perseverance.

Believing the Lie by Elizabeth George

This is an immensely satisfying mystery, although it’s less of a mystery and more of a study of human relationships.  Somehow, I missed this Inspector Lynley novel when it was published in 2012 so when I spied it at the library book sale here, I snatched it up.

Thomas Lynley is tasked by Bernard Fairclough to investigate the death of his nephew, Ian Cresswell, in the Lake District, even though it has been ruled an accidental drowning by the authorities.  Lynley enlists the assistance of his friends and colleagues, Simon St. James and his wife Deborah, a freelance photographer.  Fairclough’s son Nicholas is a former drug addict working in his father’s business and trying to redeem his reputation. Nicholas’s twin sisters have their own issues; Mignon is single and skillfully and without compunction manipulates those around her, while Manette still shares living quarters with the husband she’s not sure she should have divorced.  Ian, the deceased, was divorced from his wife and his children, Tim, 14, and ten-year old Grace, have been tossed about some.

Secrets and lies and excess baggage abound, but what made this book so absorbing and successful for me (all 600+ pages—Ms. George’s novels are never short!) were the realistic conversations and disagreements between Simon and Deborah St. James over their desire for a child, Lynley’s reflections on his relationship with superintendent Isabelle, the delicate dance between Manette and her ex-husband Fred, and the depiction of Tim’s angst and sullenness.

Ms. George “gets” people and having read nearly all of her previous Lynley novels, I find her main characters are like old friends and encountering them again is a pleasure.

Murder in Chelsea by Victoria Thompson

Thompson’s Gaslight Mystery series is set in New York City in the early 19th century and features midwife and widow Sarah Brandt who works in the poorer neighborhoods and regularly assists detective sergeant Frank Molloy in solving murders.  There are some stock characters like superstitious and nosy, but well meaning, Mrs. Ellsworth who lives next door, and Sarah’s wealthy parents, the Deckers, who don’t totally approve of her way of life and her relationship with Molloy, but who occasionally get called upon to open doors to the social elite.

Murder in Chelsea focuses on Sarah’s adopted daughter and the appearance of her real mother and is multi-layered and full of twists and turns.  It also advances the relationship between Sarah and Frank in a surprising way.  Not as complex or as psychological as Elizabeth George or Julia Spencer-Fleming’s work, but enjoyable.

Dancer by Colum McCann

This is an earlier novel by McCann, author of Let the Great World Spin and Transatlantic, and is his imagining of Rudolf Nureyev’s life and career.  As is the case with McCann’s other novels, the writing is exquisite and he excels at capturing the tactile—the physical details of surroundings as well as the embraces and expressions of bodies in motion or at rest.  Told mostly through the perspective of Nureyev’s teachers, colleagues, and lovers, it has a floating, almost amorphous quality to it (reflective of dance itself?).  I admit to simultaneously enjoying the language while finding it very slow going at points. It was not always clear whose point of view I was being given and this was frustrating.

Nureyev had a rough childhood in Russia, defected to the West as a young dancer, and lived his life with arrogance, hubris, and an often dismissive attitude toward friends.  He soared to stardom with Margot Fonteyn, hobnobbed with the likes of Andy Warhol, sought out the gay bar scene and had a personal life most would deem hollow.



Summer Reading #2: More Novels

This set of novels ranges from a meditation on marriage to a hotly debated topic of the day, to a child’s experience of tumult, to a fun historical novel set midst the Paris art scene of the 1920’s.  Perhaps one will tickle your reading palate!

The Atomic Weight of Love by Elizabeth J. Church

This is a wonderful novel!  Church charts the life and long marriage of Meridian, a wannabe scientist who marries Alden, a much older professor whose intellect excites and engages her own.  A physicist, he is recruited to work on the atomic bomb in the New Mexican desert, and she shelves her own ambitions for graduate school and a career as an ornithologist.

The setting in the closed and cloistered town of Los Alamos mirrors the constraints and restrictions faced by women in the 50’s and 60’s, pre women’s lib.  Meridian decides to study a community of crows, but her frustration builds over Alden’s unwavering focus on his own career and his apparent disinterest in her, leading her to accept fulfillment and validation elsewhere.  A novel about science, the burdens and joys of love and sex, and the power of female friendship.  Church’s writing is meticulous and exact and oh, so satisfying. I’d happily re-read this book right now!

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Heat and Light by Jennifer Haigh

I have read all of Haigh’s previous novels, and she’s an author whose work I admire and respect.  I was predisposed to like this latest work, but found myself disappointed.  The setting is Bakerton, the old coal mining town in Pennsylvania which features in her earlier work, but this time the focus is on fracking—those salesmen who cajole and persuade working class folks to sign leases for drilling on their land and the townspeople whose land and lives are affected.  Rather than being straightforward plot or character-driven fiction, the book is episodic and goes back in time, for example to 1979 and Three Mile Island, where you re-encounter some of the characters.  I read three quarters of the book, 76% according to my Kindle, and then set it aside.  Not sure I’ll go back.


In the Country of Men by Hisham Mitar

Published in 2006, Libyan writer Mitar’s semi-autobiographical novel is receiving new recognition with the arrival of his memoir, The Return: Fathers, Sons and the Land in Between.  Thanks to my friend Margaret for introducing me to this author and this novel.

Set in Tripoli in 1979, it’s told from the perspective of a 9 year old boy who is aware of strange goings on, but isn’t old enough to comprehend the underground movement to try and topple Qaddafi.  He knows that his father goes off on business (supposedly out of town), that his mother is “ill” from some under-the-counter drug she takes periodically, and that the father of one of his friends is seized and eventually tortured.

Events and people are vague and shadowy, like a blurry photo lacking clarity.  You, the reader, initially get hints of what’s transpiring, then a sense of what the relationships are and how boys and men protect, but also hurt and betray one another.  A puzzle piece here and there slots in, but never the complete picture.  I found this novel challenging to read and also haunting.  In retrospect, I wish I had read it in a more compressed timeframe.

Moonlight Over Paris by Jennifer Robson

This novel was my introduction to Canadian Jennifer Robson whose three novels all take place during or after WWI and feature well born, aristocratic young women who are finding their place in the world.  Helena, 28 years old in England in 1924, has been very ill and is extremely dependent on her parents after a broken engagement.  She is invited to Paris by her unconventional aunt and taking up the offer, enrolls at an art school.  The novel is her coming of age story—discovering whether she’s an artist or not, making friends who are nothing like her English contemporaries, and meeting a man who both attracts and worries her.  This is the perfect bonbon for a summer’s afternoon.  Light and pleasing.


Porch photo by JWFarrington (some rights reserved); Hisham Mitar from theguardian.com