Manhattan: Culture Notes

They say good things come in threes, so here you have a play, a film, and a novel.  All deserving of attention, and at least two, of kudos.


Last week we saw Hamilton and it lived up to all the hype. We were seated in the 3rd row of the mezzanine (best seats I could get last September without taking out a loan!)  which actually gave us a good view of the entire stage and the ability to see the dance routines from above. Lin-Manuel Miranda is one very creative guy and how he makes history come live! Even allowing for dramatic license, one will never think of these Founding Fathers quite the same way.

Mairanda is marvelous as the ambitious, verbose, self-centered, self-righteous Hamilton. Thomas Jefferson is foppishly funny in “What Did I Miss?” George Washington is appropriately reasonable and statesmanlike, King George is childishly amusing (got a lot of laughs from the audience), and Aaron Burr is smooth, sometimes slick, and oh, so envious of Hamilton’s rapid rise. The few females, the two Schuyler sisters and Maria, the object of Hamilton’s adulterous affair, have secondary roles although Hamilton’s wife Eliza Schuyler delivers several poignant songs.

My only criticism is that it was not possible to understand all the words, especially in some of the early numbers, and it was not always clear then what event precipitated that dialogue. We were part of an extremely enthusiastic audience, lots of families with kids and at least one school class, and the cast received many cheers and an immediate standing ovation at the conclusion. Definitely see it!!!

Postscript: I am now reading Ron Chernow’s biography of Hamilton on which the play is loosely based.


I would never ever vote for Anthony Weiner, but the new documentary, Weiner, which tracks his primary campaign for mayor of New York, is intense, funny at points, and vastly entertaining. Presenting the sexting scandal of 2011 with clips of press conferences and TV interviews, the film then goes deep into his daily life in 2013 as he mounts his campaign to return to public office and faces chapter two of the sex scandal. It is amazing to me that Weiner gave the filmmakers such unfettered access to his wife and son as well as to his campaign team. Call it hubris, craziness, or what you will, the man has charisma and determination despite being, literally, his own worst enemy.


Imagine Me Gone by Adam Haslett

Thoroughly enveloping. Madness, music, siblings and suicide. It sounds like a depressing combination, but rather than being depressing, Imagine Me Gone is a fully imagined portrayal of family dynamics told in the voices of the five family members. In this case, a father who is mentally ill, his wife, and their three children, all of whom bear the scars, be they scratches or full-blown cuts, of his affliction. The eldest son, Michael, is 36 and still single and suffers from his own mental issues. Sister Celia is wary of trusting in her own long-term relationship, and brother Alex is gay and seeking a stable place in the world. Initially each one invests time and mental effort in trying to assuage Michael’s anguish and in managing his anxiety and his ineptitude for daily life. Their mother Margaret goes into debt in her efforts to support her eldest son. Haslett’s writing is tender and exquisite, beautifully nuanced in his depiction of family relationships. You, the reader, feel for each member of this damaged family. But it is ultimately a story with hope. One of the best novels I’ve read thus far this year!

John, the father, about Alec as a kid:

The beast isn’t in Alec.  I have no way of knowing this for certain.  He’s too young.  Maybe I just don’t see it and don’t want to. But in his eagerness to please there is such squiriming energy and a kind of literalness.  He’s up on the surface of himself opening outward, even when he’s embarrassed, perhaps particularly so then, because he finds embarrassment so painful, he’ll do anything to get off the spot.”

Margaret reflecting on her work colleague, Suzanne:

She’s an unlikely librarian, her flair wasted, if not resented, by everyone but the high school boys and their fathers.   Early on, she decided that I was to be her ally against the forces of boredom and small-mindedness. I was too tired to resist.


 Header photo: Richard Rodgers Theater before all the seats were filled (JWFarrington)

Jaunting in Manhattan


We have taken advantage of being only a block from the water to explore nearby Pier 45.  One evening at dusk, a group of young people were dancing to Brazilian tunes there while other folks sat on the lawn braving the cold breeze.   The other morning we walked the promenade from Pier 45 up to Pier 88 (where the big cruise ships dock), about 40 blocks each way. This promenade and its extension going south comprise part of Hudson River Park. Nicely landscaped with many grassy areas, lots of benches, café tables and chairs, and periodic restrooms along the way, it’s well designed for pedestrians, runners and bicyclists. A small stretch of our route was still in the process of being built out, but even so, there were clearly marked lanes for walkers and bikers.

2016-05-21 10.57.23


2016-05-20 19.14.37    2016-05-21 09.13.27

Soccer practice, anyone?
Soccer practice, anyone?
Sign reads: Monarch Way Station
Sign reads: Monarch Way Station

2016-05-21 09.48.55


Priestly Politics

On the recommendation of a good friend, I decided to try one of C. J. Sansom’s Matthew Shardlake mysteries. The first one, Dissolution, is set in 1537 in London and Sussex. At the direction of Thomas Cromwell, lawyer Shardlake travels to the Scarnsea monastery to investigate the murder of a royal commissioner who was there on an inspection tour. In the spirit of Protestant reform and as the head of the new Church of England, King Henry is actively working to close and dissolve all the Catholic monasteries.

Hunchback Shardlake is an intriguing character—smart and thoughtful, though not without his own biases; his protégé, Mark Poer, is young, naïve, and attractive; and more suspicious deaths occur. I found the book slow at first, but then got engaged and enjoyed the suspense and learning about this piece of English church history. There are four other books in the series thus far.

Advice for Boomers

Old Age: A Beginner’s Guide by Michael Kinsley.  I always liked watching Kinsley spar about politics and issues of the day as co-host of TV’s Crossfire. He was quick, witty, and cutting.  As most people know, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in his early 40’s, more than 20 years ago, and that eventually changed how he approached his professional work.   He is now 65 and his new book contains a lot of information about the disease (much of which I knew, but not all) and is intended as advice for the Baby Boomer generation. I found it less than satisfying, somewhat repetitive and not very helpful—perhaps that’s because I’ve already crossed the Medicare divide.


Header photo:  Plantings at Chelsea Piers

All photos by JWFarrington, some rights reserved

Round-up: Books & Film


My recent reading has ranged from the very serious to the quite serious to the more frivolous.

Stir: My Broken Brain and the Meals that Brought Me Home by Jessica Fechtor. Sound depressing, but it wasn’t. Yes, Ms. Fechtor did suffer a brain aneurysm at the tender age of 28, but her optimistic spirit and determination along with time in the kitchen saw her through a 2-year recovery period. There are medical details here, but also wonderful passages about the role of food and the emotional as well as physical sustenance good cooking can provide. She is a PhD candidate at Harvard as well as author of the Sweet Amandine food blog.

Consequence by Eric Fair. This is a memoir by a former soldier and contractor who was posted to Iraq and served as an interrogator. It is a disturbing, unsettling read, but one I couldn’t abandon. Mr. Fair grew up in Bethlehem, Pa., was active in the First Presbyterian Church there, and after college became a police officer before serving in the Iraq War.

With its spare, unemotional style, it’s almost as if Mr. Fair is writing about someone other than himself. He made a series of poor choices from high school onward and while stating that he made them and acknowledging that some of them were unwise, he doesn’t seem to own them. And he did things at Abu Graib that he feels guilty about and that haunt him, but he has not reached any closure. It probably took some courage to write this book (neither the military nor his contractor company come off very well), but I found it hard to applaud him for doing so.

Banquet of Consequences by Elizabeth George. Hard to believe, but this is the 19th Inspector Lynley mystery. Inspector Barbara Havers is the primary mover with Lynley in a more supporting role as she and Nkata delve into the murder of a noted feminist author and the convoluted relationships she had with her personal assistant and her publisher. Not her best, but still entertaining.

The Restaurant Critic’s Wife by Elizabeth LaBan. This is a novel about food and restaurants, but even more so about the trials of being a stay-at-home mother of two young children constrained by a husband’s demands that she remain inconspicuous and invisible. Craig LaBan is the longtime restaurant critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer and originally from New Orleans like Sam Soto in the book. For my Philly foodie friends, this lighthearted fare will have you guessing which restaurants are being reviewed!

Film Fare

Eye in the Sky. There are several female actors whose films I would see no matter what and they include Maggie Smith, Meryl Streep and Helen Mirren. In this film, Helen Mirren is the British colonel in charge of a missile strike on some key terrorist leaders who are holed up in a house in a residential area outside Nairobi. She, working with the general played by Alan Rickman, must evaluate how great are the odds of injury or death to nearby civilians (including a young girl) and get all the stakeholders to agree to the timing of the strike. The stakeholders are scattered from England to Nevada and both British and U.S. leaders and politicians are involved or need to be consulted. A sobering and suspenseful look at how warfare by drone is carried out.

Love & Friendship. This one’s for Jane Austen fans of which I’m one. Based on her short novel, Lady Susan, it’s not a great film, but an enjoyable one. There are lots of characters, the principal ones introduced with name, title and relationship in the opening scenes, which makes for a somewhat slow beginning. The pace picks up once Lady Susan, schemer extraordinaire, is installed at her sister-in-law’s country estate, and begins to weave her web to ensnare Sir James Martin for her daughter Frederica and Sir Reginald deCourcy for herself. But, complications ensue, her true colors start to emerge, and what ultimately results is a complete turnabout.


Tidy Tidbits: Asolo & Morland


We had the opportunity to take a backstage tour at the Asolo Repertory Theater’s Mertz Theater earlier this week and it was fascinating.  There was a tech rehearsal in progress (just what it sounds like, all the technical aspects of the production—lighting, sound, projection, etc.—run through), and we got a peek at the set for the upcoming musical, Josephine as well as having the chance to walk around on stage and in the wings.  We also toured the costume shop (could have spent the rest of the morning here!) and Cook Theater which is the home of the Florida State University/Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training (what a mouthful, that is).

This three-year graduate program is one of the top ten in the U.S. and accepts only 12 students each year.  As part of their training, in addition to a season of plays at Asolo, they get six weeks of theater in London, the chance to make presentations in New York, and earn their MFA degree and an Equity card.  Impressive!  I really knew nothing about this program and wonder how many people in the area are similarly uninformed.  Next year, we’ll be sure to go to some of these student productions.  Kudos to Sarasota and to our tour host, Scott Guin.


Josephine Baker was an American singer and dancer who became famous in Paris as a star performer at the Folies-Bergere during the 1930’s and 40’s.  A poor black woman from St. Louis, she was not welcomed or wanted in the white nightclub scene.  This is preview week for Josephine and we were there on the second night.  The production is an ambitious one for Asolo and both demanding and challenging for the technical team as well as the actors.  We enjoyed the show, as they say, but overall feel it will benefit from some more tweaking and tightening up as the week unfolds.  Less than two minutes into the opening scene, the fire alarm went off (probably due to stage smoke) and everyone, audience and actors, had to exit the theater for about 10 minutes.  I imagine this had an effect on the actors.

Despite everything I would recommend seeing it and wish that I could see it again in several weeks.  See it for the intricate sets and creative use of projection (newsreels, e.g.), see it for the stunningly gorgeous costumes and headdresses, see it for the four guys who have a heck of a lot of fun dancing, see it for Prince Gustaf of Sweden and the swan bed, see it to hear Deborah Cox as a multi-faceted Josephine.  Other standout performances were Lynette DuPree as the brassy, but savvy Bricktop, and Tori Bates, the simply amazing 11-year old who plays young Josephine and practically steals the show with her vigorous tapping and big voice.




These are heady days for independent booksellers, whose ranks have grown to 1,712 bookstores operating in 2,227 locations in 2015, compared with 1,410 bookstores in 1,660 locations in 2010, according to the American Booksellers Association.  Even Inc. has opened a bookstore in Seattle and has a second planned for La Jolla, Calif.”  One bookstore featured in this Wall Street Journal article has reduced the size of the stock on its shelves, but added a print-on-demand device, Espresso Book Machine, which provides access to hundreds of thousands of titles.  (April 20, 2016, “How Tech is Bringing Readers Back into Bookstores,” by Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg).


Cynthia Harrod-Eagles is a prolific British novelist fascinated by history.  Over the past decade or so I’ve been reading my way systematically through her Morland Dynasty series.  Set mostly in Yorkshire, the first book, The Founding (published in 1980), opens in 1434 with a marriage that launches the dynasty and covers the period of the War of the Roses.  Each novel builds on the previous one and together they constitute a detailed lesson in British history—wars, social issues, governments and politicians, food and dress, all intertwined with the lives of successive generations of Morlands and their home at Morland Place.  The writing is straightforward and her characters are quite engaging, but sometimes the plots tend toward the formulaic.

To her credit, Harrod-Eagles has done extensive research and often you feel like you are part of the time being evoked.  I found the novels that dealt with the women’s suffrage movement especially absorbing.  Other times, I got bogged down in the specifics of yet another military battle.

I’ve now almost completed Book 33, The Dancing Years, set in 1919, which juxtaposes the club high life of the rich with the harsh realities of unemployment for others.  The series was popular from its inception and the scope kept being expanded partly because Harrod-Eagles covered shorter intervals of time in each book.  I read it was to continue up to WWII, but Book 35, the latest one, is set in 1931 so we’ll see.  She has also written a mystery series, several contemporary novels, and, most recently, a separate WWI series.

Header photo:  Mertz Theater (