Still at Home: More Reading & Viewing


Hidden Valley Road:  Inside the Mind of an American Family by Robert Kolker

I have always been interested in what makes people tick.  In college, that motivated me to take both the introductory psychology course and also an advanced course in abnormal psych.  This was the late 1960’s when so-called “refrigerator mothers” were responsible for causing autism in their offspring.  And in other research, a controlling mother supposedly was a primary factor in developing schizophrenia, nurture rather than nature (DNA) as the cause.

Hidden Valley Road is a riveting account of the Galvin family and their twelve children.  Of the ten boys and two girls, six of the males were at some point diagnosed as schizophrenic.  One may have had bipolar disorder and been misdiagnosed. They ultimately became the first family to be studied by the NIH.


Don and Mimi Galvin were products of their time, postwar years, and it was important for Don to be successful in his career and for Mimi to be the perfect mother with, to the outside world, a normal, happy, well-adjusted family.  In fact, the reality was quite different.  Don was often absent on business and the boys, beginning with Donald, the eldest, became mentally ill, delusional, violent, unpredictable in the extreme, and both physically and sexually abusive toward some of their siblings.  The girls, Margaret and Mary, were the youngest and while spared illness, suffered some of the worst abuse and emotional abandonment.  

Kolker’s account is based on intensive research and interviews with many family members.  Interspersed between the chapters, which generally focus on one or two family members, is an ongoing history over more than fifty years of the scientific research into the causes of schizophrenia and the evolving trends in drug treatment and therapy.  Even today, there is not a definitive answer.  This quest for answers is almost as compelling as the saga of the children’s path to adulthood.  That some of these siblings were ultimately able to lead “somewhat normal” lives is a testament to their resilience, despite being scarred.  Highly recommended!  (~JWFarrington)


This Beautiful Fantastic  (Amazon Prime, You Tube)


This feature film is charming and whimsical with no violence or sex.  Bella Brown, a rather strange young woman, rents a cottage and is charged with cleaning up the back garden, a task that far exceeds her abilities and her fears.  She’s a budding writer who works part-time in a special library.  Her crusty, gruff neighbor and his amiable dogs body take up the challenge of assisting her with the garden and all ends well.  This is a simple treat of a movie.

Balthazar  (Acorn)


Balthazar is a recent French crime series about a forensic doctor.  Balthazar is a quirky coroner who talks to corpses and has animated conversations with his dead wife.  He is sexy and brilliant, loves to cook and eat, and is often seen snacking.  Chief inspector Helene Bach finds him exasperating, but she and her assistant, Delgado, must work with him and do recognize his talents.  

These are complicated murder cases and always involve an autopsy, graphically portrayed, which causes me to look away from the screen.  Once the autopsy is over, I’m back involved.  As I have only watched two episodes, it’s an open question if the gore will turn me off completely or if I stay with the series.  The repartee between Balthazar and Helene, married mother of two, is well done and one of the delights of the program.  So, the jury’s out.

Note: Header photo of a great blue heron ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved).

Tidy Tidbits: Staying Home


Other than one trip to the supermarket, we have not left our island neighborhood for the past week.  We are fortunate to be having gorgeous weather (sunny and warm) and have walked our boulevard each morning and then gone to the pool in the late afternoon—always mindful of keeping an appropriate distance from each other.  In between, cooking or baking, reading, and viewing have been the main activities.  Plus, a lot of shopping online.

With restaurants only allowed to offer curbside pick-up or delivery, we will be experimenting with that in the next few days.  For my local friends, both Alice’s Ristorante Italiano (formerly A Casa Tua) and Bonefish Grill either are already or will be offering revised menus.  


Like restaurants, independent bookstores face the challenge of staying in business since they can no longer invite customers into their physical spaces.  If you value your own local bookstore, order books from them online.  You can probably pick them up curbside or have them mailed to your home.  Yes, it will cost you more than going the Amazon route, but thinking ahead, don’t you want them to still be here when the pandemic subsides?  Here’s an article about this topic.  And here’s a link to my favorite Sarasota bookstore where I just ordered several titles to be mailed.  


Say Nothing:  A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland by Patrick Radden Keefe

Jean McConville (

When there are no lectures, plays or concerts to go to, it’s possible to spend more time reading.  I mentioned this book about the Troubles in my last blog and this week, I devoted myself to completing it.  Once I got fully into it (it took me a chapter or two as there are a lot of factions with different names and acronyms to keep straight!), I got caught up in the lives of the principals:  Dolours and Marian Price, Brendan Hughes, and Gerry Adams (all IRA members who participated in deadly violence), and in the impact on the McConville children whose 38-year old mother, Jean, was dragged from their home one evening in 1972 and never returned.  She was one of the aptly called “disappeared.”  For decades her children sought to locate her body.  

This is a tale of religious conflict, hatred of the British, bombings, imprisonment, hunger strikes, and double agents.  For thirty years, Northern Ireland, especially Belfast, was not a safe nor a pretty place to be.  Even after the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, lingering resentment and outrage were the order of the day for some. 

 I found Keefe’s narrative nonfiction both compelling and chilling.   He explores the actions and interactions of the infamous Price sisters over several decades along with the transformation of Gerry Adams from revolutionary commander to savvy politician to elder statesman, Adams all the while denying he was ever a member of the IRA.  Also fascinating for me, a former librarian, was learning about the secret archival interview project housed at Boston College.  The interview with Dolours Price, for example, was intended to be unavailable until after her death.  What protections were not put in place and what the college didn’t know later resulted in subpoenas and lawsuits.  A long read, but absorbing and rewarding. (~JWFarrington)


With movie theaters closed, it’s now possible to rent and watch first run movies from several different streaming sources.  The Chief Penguin found (I had suggested Hulu, but somehow, he ended up here), and together we created a list of films to view.  First up last evening was Emma, which is also available through Apple TV.



I’ve seen several versions of Jane Austen’s Emma over the years, some I liked and some I didn’t (Clueless).  This Emma is Jane Austen on a romp.  For a story that is about emotions, meddling, and misunderstandings, there is a lot of physicality that makes it visually exciting.  The repeating line of schoolgirls in their long red capes, the twisting, twirling patterns of the ballroom dancing, the running or flinging onto grassy slopes (witness both Emma and Knightley). Add to this scenes of Knightley or Emma in various stages of dressing or undressing.  Coupled with this is a soundtrack of rousing folk melodies, almost hymns, providing transition between scenes.  

Against this visual and aural background, you have an Emma who is always perfectly coiffed and stylishly put together, arrogant, convinced of her rightness, and rude.  You don’t dislike her totally; you see her gradually become aware of the error of her ways, thanks in part to Mr. Knightley.  And, as is the norm for Austen, all comes right in the end!  I found the film a perfect entertainment.  (~JWFarrington)

Culture Bits: New Year, Screen & Page


Turning the calendar page into a new year brings to mind the crafting of resolutions, everything from eating a healthier diet to being a kinder person.  January is also a time to pause and reflect on both past and future.  Entering a whole new decade seems a bit momentous, a moment of drama, and 2020 particularly so.  Perhaps it’s the ring of the two twenties side by side; possibly it’s that the fate of our government lies in the upcoming presidential election; or maybe it’s just that we as individuals are marking significant events in our own lives.  

For me, 2020 marks my 50th college reunion as well as the Chief Penguin’s and my 50th wedding anniversary.  Compiling favorite college memories and then summarizing my life in just 400 words for the reunion book, reminds me of how much life I’ve already lived, and that much less life remains ahead.  That’s a sobering thought.  Contemplating one’s mortality is hard to do, but after seventy, as one loses dear friends, one realizes anew that time is both limited and precious.  Each day of good health must be appreciated and savored. 

Certainly, the most significant relationship I developed at college was that with my future spouse.  I met Greg the end of my first year, and we have been connected ever since.  We were fortunate that we had the opportunity to live in San Francisco after years on the east coast, that we worked successfully at the same institutions, and that we produced a wonderful son who has a marvelous wife and two delightful daughters.  Along the way, partly because of career and later just for pleasure, we did a lot of international travel.  This included two trips to China when our son was small, three weeks in Madagascar with a noted botanist in 2009, and after retirement, trips to Vietnam and Cambodia as well as Chile and New Zealand.  Travel is broadening; I believe it expands your mind and alters your perspective.  

In this milestone year, we will again travel, first to Ireland, where we’ve never been, and then in the fall to France for Normandy and Bordeaux and a return to the Dordogne and Provence.  This January especially, I value my past and all that I’ve experienced, while still eagerly anticipating a future rich with new adventures.



If you’ve ever wondered what trench warfare was really like, 1917 does an amazing job of portraying it.  Dirty, claustrophobic, and terrifying.  During the battle of Ypres, two British soldiers are sent on a mission to the front lines with an urgent message for a general that will affect the outcome of the next encounter with the Germans.  The men selected (the one who chose his partner thought it might be an easy assignment) must race against the clock, travel cross country through rough terrain and behind enemy lines, always struggling to stay undiscovered and alive.  Based on a true incident, it’s a tale of courage and loyalty, coupled with sheer guts and grit.  At one point, I did wonder how many more obstacles would have to be overcome and were they all real or added for cinematic effect.  Gripping and almost painful to watch.


From Father to Daughter  (Acorn + Amazon Prime)


For a change of pace, my treadmill fare is an Italian series about a wine-making family.  Giovanni is the bull-headed, domineering, and abusive patriarch, who, in partnership with a friend, makes grappa.  When the series opens in 1958, he has two daughters and very much wants a son to join him in the business.  He is blessed with twins, a boy and a girl, but promptly exults in his son, Antonio, while ignoring Sofia, the daughter.  As his family matures, his wife Franca laments the suitor she left behind in Brazil; his oldest daughter, Maria Theresa leaves for Padua against his will to study chemistry; while Elena, the middle child, gets pregnant at 16 and marries a local boy.  How life unfolds and unravels over the decades for this dysfunctional family has its soap opera moments, but it’s good entertainment and keeps me striding along!


Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan

Joy Davidman (

When I was growing up, the earlier works of C. S. Lewis such as The Screwtape Letters were popular with adults including my parents.  An Oxford don, Lewis wrote both fiction and nonfiction about religion and faith in the context of Christianity.  In the 50’s, he published the Chronicles of Narnia for children, the first one of which I read aloud to our son.  Lewis was a celebrated author, but he became even more famous after the early and untimely death of his wife, Joy.  Their story was the subject of several books, a play, and eventually a movie, Shadowlands, which I saw years ago.

Callahan’s novel is a fictional account of the relationship between Joy Davidman and Jack Lewis.  It began as an epistolary friendship as they exchanged letters. She had read an article about Lewis and began the correspondence.  They were a most unlikely pairing.  He was a reserved British bachelor in his 50’s and she American, Jewish, then an atheist, now a Christian, 38 years old, and married with two young sons.  Her marriage to an alcoholic was imploding and she wrote to Lewis for advice.  

After several years they met. She subsequently spent significant blocks of time in England with her sons and eventually was forced to divorce her husband.  Despite their love, Jack was reluctant to acknowledge his feelings and become a bridegroom.  The novel is told in the first person from Joy’s perspective and is full of emotion and at times seems overwrought.  But this is perhaps an accurate presentation of her personality.  Joy was passionate and outspoken, and her life was messy.  She was also a talented writer and poet whose work, given the times, was underappreciated.  

Callahan captures this woman brimming with life, but some readers may be put off by the many theological and philosophical conversations that inform her conversations and letters with Lewis.  (~JWFarrington)

Note: Header photo is of the Roman god, Janus (

Manhattan: Mostly Movies

Besides spending time with our son and family in this Christmas season, we took in several films and also an exhibit of works by women at the Grolier Club. And, as always, we ate well! Vinegar chicken and an assortment of tasty veggies on Christmas plus good Italian fare at favorite new and old restaurants.


Two Popes (Theaters & Netflix)

This is an engaging and witty film.  It’s the fascinating fictional account of a meeting between Pope Benedict and then Cardinal Borgoglio who became Pope Francis.  The cardinal has gone to Rome to submit his resignation to the pope, only the pope refuses to accept it.  The two men are diametrically opposite in both their views and their approach to the pomp of the office; Pope Benedict revels in it while Pope Francis eschews the red shoes and other trappings.  Anthony Hopkins portrays a wry and solitary pope while the cardinal has deep regrets about some actions in his youth that he feels preclude him from ever becoming the pontiff.  While these men did have a meeting in real life, it came later, but with this film, I felt I learned more about Pope Francis’ early career.  

A Hidden Life

I don’t know if I’ve seen other Terrence Malick films, but this one is both beautiful and moving.  I became immersed in the life and fate of Franz Jagerstatter, a real Austrian farmer, who when conscripted into the army, refuses to swear loyalty to Hitler.  A devoutly religious man with a strong moral sense, he risks his life and his family (his wife Fani must manage the farm and their two young daughters with minimal help) for his beliefs.  But, will his sacrifice make any difference in the larger sense?  Scenes of green pastures and mountains alternate with the torture of prison in this three-hour film. The dialogue is mostly English with some untranslated German.  Worth seeing.

Little Women

This “Little Women” is wonderful!  Like many, I’ve read the novel multiple times, seen movie versions, and know the story well.  This is an exuberant version punctuated by sadness, the heartaches of young love, and the toll of grinding poverty.  But these girls, Meg, Amy, Beth, and particularly Jo, romp and bicker and love each other.  They have talents and minds as well as hearts.  I recall Marmee in the book as seeming too goodie-goodie, but here she is a giving neighbor and also a woman occasionally frustrated and angered by life’s lacks.  

The cast is all-star including Saoirse Ronan as Jo, Meryl Streep as cranky, rich Aunt March, Laura Dern as Marmee, and the handsome winning Timothee Chalamet as the irrepressible Laurie Lawrence.  Even Sydney from Grantchester, James Norton, shows up as Meg’s suitor.  My only quibble is that if you don’t know the story, the back and forth jumps in time can be a bit confusing.  But, overall it’s simply marvelous!!


Five Hundred Years of Women’s Work (Grolier Club)

Although it’s a private club devoted to books and printing, the Grolier Club opens its occasional exhibits to the public at no charge. This current exhibit of works by women is a rich sampling from the Baskin Collection: women as authors, printers, publishers, and bookbinders from the 15th century onward.  The Lisa Unger Baskin Collection is housed at Duke University and these items on display here until early February.  

Many of the works relate to the suffrage movement both in the UK and the United States, as well as to the fight for women’s reproductive rights (contraception, abortion, etc.).  There is correspondence by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony as well as between several generations of Pankhursts, a letter by Charlotte Bronte, and works by an early Dutch artist and scientist.  Also treatises on the treatment of African Americans.  One final case highlights lovely examples of elaborate bookbinding.  

Ms. Baskin began collecting rare works by and about women with her late husband, but after his death continued to collect and until 2015, the 11,000 item collection remained in her hands. 


It seems that Manhattan has more Italian restaurants than any other cuisine, at least on the Upper East Side!  We tried another one the other night and will add it to our list for a return visit.  Bella Blu is a long narrow space with a bar on the right and walls splashed with bright colors.  Add to that lavish Christmas wreaths and bells and you have sensory overload.  We dined early, but already two-thirds of the tables were occupied in this family friendly place.  

The tasty frisée salad with walnuts and Gorgonzola was big enough to share while the ravioli with guanciale were superb.  We also sampled the fritto misto and the penne with cubes of fresh tuna in a tomato, black olive and oregano sauce.  They also have pizzas and many other pasta and meat entrees that will lure us back.  Service was efficient to brisk, but it is the holiday season and everyone wants to dine out!

Text and photos ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved).