Asian Adventure: Singapore Gardens

Singapore is a bustling modern city with soaring skyscrapers and mega shopping malls midst a landscape that is lush and lovely and dotted with parks and gardens.  We visited two very impressive gardens, Gardens by the Bay and the Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Gardens by the Bay 

IMG_8250Gardens by the Bay opened about three years ago and is on reclaimed land near the marina—unmissable due to the very tall supertrees that dominate the flat terrain.  We visited in the morning and toured both the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest.  These are indoor exhibits in dome-like structures and provide a welcome respite from Singapore’s heat and humidity.

 The Flower Dome purports to represent “eternal spring” and throughout there are garden areas with plants native to different parts of the world.  It is a wonderful riot of color and form made even more colorful by the addition of red and gold flowers, tassels, and balls in honor of Chinese New Year.

It is the Year of the Goat and there were several flower goats here and there in the beds.








I particularly enjoyed the special exhibit of all shapes and shades of dahlias.










The Cloud Forest is a swirl of mist and mystery.  There is a dramatic waterfall at the entry point and then you work your way around and up first by elevator, then on a ramp that loops around this seemingly high altitude mountain ecosystem.

You are up high in this dome and it is damp and there are marvelous views out the glass of the supertrees and the Singapore skyline, but you have none of the ill effects of real altitute.







As you come back down, you follow the ramp and then several escalators to a crystal forest which is made of real crystallized rock formations from caves and caverns around the world.










At the bottom there is a secret garden of greenery, ferns and the like.  As you might guess, it is pleasingly cool, almost cold, in this forest.  I loved it, but my spouse was eager to be re-embraced by the heat.












Singapore Botanic Gardens 

IMG_8430The botanic gardens were founded early in the 19th century and for many years had directors from England, often men associated with Kew Gardens.  During WWII when the Japanese occupied this country, there was a Japanese director, but fortunately, the Japanese had a high enough regard for nature that the gardens were untouched and well managed.  After the war and after Singaporean independence in 1965, the directors were no longer British, but Asian.  It is a bit ironic that the current director, Nigel Taylor, is a Brit.

The garden has a small new building that was built to be as green as possible and it’s the site of special exhibits such as this one on flowers.


We were fortunate to have a guided tour of both the gardens as well as the library, the herbarium and the heritage museum. Orchids are a big deal in Singapore and while almost all of the extensive gardens are free, the National Orchid Garden does charge admission.  We saw a display about the research underway here into orchids and the complex and time-consuming process it takes to develop orchids.  The library has a public reading room with reference books and sample specimens for individuals who want to try and identify the species they find in their yards.  And the library and herbarium have both been actively involved in digitizing collections. The herbarium has about 800,000 specimens from Singapore and other areas in Southeast Asia and about 7,000 type specimens.  Researchers come from around the world to view their collection when the online record and image are not sufficient.

IMG_8490The gardens themselves are lovely and green with many historic and unusual trees and plants and a cadre of dedicated runners who come early in the morning to start off their day.  We enjoyed our tour so much we returned early this morning to see the gingers, the bromeliads, and the orchids again in the early light.













After the gardens, we went downtown to see the Parliament buildings and the huge white Anglican cathedral and to survey Boat Quay, known for its lively restaurant row.  We stopped in the Asian Civilization Museums to learn more about the history of Singapore, but it was an abbreviated stop since most of the museum is closed for renovation.  On our way to lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant in the Arts House, we were swarmed by a bunch of middle school students.  They were doing a class project and needed to interview tourists and we qualified.  Half surrounded me and the other half my spouse as they asked where we were from, why we’d come to Singapore, what we liked, whether we wanted to return.  To the last question, an emphatic yes!  They asked to take my picture with them and then, it was time to enjoy what turned out to be a very tasty set lunch.

Asian Adventure: Singapore Science


One of the primary purposes of this trip is to visit natural history and science museums to see what they are doing that is innovative and fresh and to spread the word about the California Academy of Sciences.  Our first two visits were to the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum and the Science Centre Singapore.

Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum

Model of new building
Model of new building

The sign on the Science Library building at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is small and discreet and reads, Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research.  I’d call this a very contemporary name, but it’s the old name.  This museum was named for Stamford Raffles, the founder of modern Singapore, whose idea it was and himself an avid naturalist.   It was founded in 1849 and later became the National Museum of Singapore.  In the late 1960’s when the government decided to give greater priority to history and art museums, the Raffles collection, primarily zoological specimens, was about to be discarded when NUS agreed to take it.

The Raffles name was retired in 2014 and Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum (as part pf NUS) was born. And  soon it will have a new home.  Very soon.  The current museum space in the science building is closed and the re-named new museum will open on April 18, 2015 in a brand new building in another part of town.

Midst stacked boxes and evidence of a move in progress, we met with the museum director, Peter Ng, an affable and direct man who was most welcoming and happy to share the museum’s story and his insights.  In 2005, he and several colleagues did a tour of natural history museums in the U.S. and visited not only the California Academy of Sciences, but also the Field Museum in Chicago, the Smithsonian, the American Museum of Natural History, and a museum in Kansas.  There they learned about how American museums are financed and about fundraising.

What Peter and his colleagues have done in Singapore is unprecedented.  University scientists in Singapore are not accustomed to American style fundraising and yet, with the designation of a parcel of land from the university, they raised the remaining tens of millions within the stipulated 6 month deadline for keeping the land.  And they raised additional money to create an endowment. They are also approaching the operations of the museum with an eye to what Peter called financial economy; they have a corporate board, are doing marketing for event rentals, etc. and will charge admission. Peter is also keen to do more community outreach.

Everyone also told them they needed dinosaurs so they acquired three dinosaurs at a reasonable price , a “family” that the seller wanted to keep together.  Dinosaurs aside, the new museum will have a Southeast Asia focus and will play an important role in the region given that Singapore is more prosperous and advanced than some of its neighbors.  We encouraged Peter to return to San Francisco and see the “new” Academy and he expressed great interest in collaborating with our research colleagues, several of whom he knows well. We would love to come back in about 9 months to see the new museum in action!


Science Centre Singapore

Singapore Sci CentreThe Science Centre Singapore (SCS) was closed for its regular monthly maintenance day, but we were able to check out the entrance way and the Kinetic Garden before meeting with three of the leadership team:  TM Lim, chief executive; Clarence Sirisena, deputy chief executive; and Daniel Tan, acting senior director in the Projects and Exhibition Division.  Their building is old by Singapore standards, 38 years, and some of it is a bit tired and cluttered.  The leadership, however, is engaging and energetic and described some wonderful programs already underway as well as future initiatives.

The government is planning to build a new science centre close by on the other side of a small lake which might be ready by 2020.  This is a high visibility national project as the government wants to make that lake district a destination and the centre has a track record for delivering on programs and being willing to take risks.

We talked about sustainability and how Singapore is addressing that; they have no natural resources and still rely on fossil fuels, but there are early efforts in the area of solar power and several new hotels are very green.  The centre itself is collaborating with a French university on an exhibit about sustainable cities, what does it take for urban areas to be sustainable.

SCS belongs to or is part of the Ministry of Education which funds it and sees 150,000 students a year, so lots of interactions with that audience. They have worked to augment their government funding by developing partnerships with corporations and even some government agencies, primarily for exhibits, with one example being a government agency providing support for their climate change exhibit. Imagine that happening in the U.S.

Science without walls is one of their aims and they have a very successful and robust science busker program which they began in 2007. (Buskers, for those who haven’t been in London Tube Stations or on Stroget in Copenhagen, are street performers who play or sing for donations.)  Applicants for SCS’s program had to audition, those selected participated in a workshop, and then uploaded videos of their performances to You Tube where they were subject to voting.  Ultimately, the winners got to do a whole day of busking at the centre, were professionally evaluated, and finalists were given a contract for future performances on site and elsewhere, including occasionally in other countries.

The science centre also holds a 3-week long annual science festival which takes place in shopping malls, parks, and even attractions like Universal Studios, as well as on site.  Last year they created and opened KidsSTOP, a separate place for children ages 18 months to 8 years old.  As TM said, “children are born scientists.”  They work closely too with school teachers and have developed a series of ten very popular science learning kits for use in the classroom.  A current new project is reaching out to preschools and childcare centers and providing materials for an electricity corner and a kitchen science corner, both hands-on science learning opportunities for young children.






Asian Adventure: Singapore Arrival

Second Impressions

Singapore is a long, long way from Florida!  We flew to JFK and then got a flight to Singapore which continues on the same aircraft after a short layover in Frankfurt.  Flying time to Frankfurt is six and a half hours, then about 2 hours in the transit lounge and then 12 hours more to Singapore.  In effect, two nights on the plane and lots of meals and beverages in between. Singapore Airlines’ service was excellent.  The plane was not full and the cabin crew were most attentive.

It is more than 10 years since I was last here and it is as lovely as I remember.  Changi is the only airport I know that has orchids and gardens throughout—even the baggage claim area is punctuated by pots of pastels.  Entry was quick and easy and soon we were at our hotel.  The hotel staff greet you at every turn and everything is orderly and efficient and works.  An oasis of calm and tranquility.

Except I did manage to lock us out of our room on our small balcony!  I hadn’t wanted to close the sliding glass door all the way earlier since I was worried about that.  I was persuaded by my spouse that closing it was just fine—otherwise if I didn’t, the air conditioning would turn off.  So each time subsequently, I gently closed or almost closed the door.  This time I inadvertently pushed it with some force, and lo, the handle didn’t move and we were trapped outside!

Fortunately, it wasn’t sunset yet and there were still a few staff around the pool area below.  Said spouse leaned over (fortunately we were on a lower floor) and hailed a man with the words, “the balcony door is locked.”  About 5 minutes later, a smiling lovely staff member came to our rescue. She chuckled as she let us back in.  Later we saw her in the lobby and she just grinned!  I think we will probably be the talk of the next management meeting.  Surely, someone else has done this before.  I blame it all on jet lag!

Tidy Tidbits: Opera & Books

The Oscars

While not surprised, I was disappointed that Boyhood did not win best picture, but very pleased that Patricia Arquette got an award for her marvelous role in this film.  As one article I read pointed out, the award winners are more and more divorced from what the American public goes to see.  Compared to American Sniper, which I haven’t seen, millions more people saw that than went to view Birdman.

Sarasota Scene

As part of the Sarasota arts smorgasbord, we sampled two Sarasota Opera productions last week.  The theater is small and there is an intimacy not found in San Francisco or New York.  Tosca was very good and The Golden Cockerel a beautifully staged production of an infrequently sung work by Rimsky-Korsakov.  The sets were lavish, colorful, and the equal of any opera we’ve seen anywhere.


I finished Galgut’s Arctic Summer and enjoyed the rest of this novel.  It is based on Forster’s diaries, letters, and biographies and one appreciates his reluctance to consider himself a writer and Forster’s struggle bringing to birth Passage to IndiaI remember being puzzled by that book when I read it many years ago and much preferred his Howards End.

 On the Road

I will soon be on my way to Asia so have loaded up my Kindle with novels and memoirs and a few other nonfiction books.  I always enjoy the Wall Street Journal’s weekly column, “Five Best,” and last week’s was books about spinsters.  I knew of Winifred Holtby and enjoyed the Masterpiece Theater presentation of her Testament of Youth some years ago and so I now have her novel, South Riding, downloaded and ready to go.  I also decided that it is time to re-read Jane Austen’s Persuasion for the third for fourth time as it is my favorite of all her works.  It too was cited in the column along with that Barbara Pym classic, Excellent Women.