Chile: Valparaiso, Day 1


We flew overnight from Houston to Santiago where we were met and then driven the roughly hour and a half to Valparaiso. We passed through a fruit growing region and then a valley around Casa Blanco, site of several vineyards producing white wine. We will visit a couple of these wineries next week.

Coming into the city, we went through an industrial section and were struck by the sheer volume of graffiti on almost every building. We were told that there is or about to be new legislation that will make it a fineable offense to engage in graffiti.  

This would be a very good move. As we got farther into the city and up one of the several hills to our hotel, we began to see street art in the from of colorful murals along with the graffiti (a bit less here). The stucco and stone buildings themselves are also painted in solid bright colors, everything from strong turquoise to blazing orange to yellows, deep blues and vibrant greens. It all makes for a lively and attractive landscape.  

Our hotel is an old house on a narrow dead end street in a neighborhood of art galleries, small shops, and little restaurants. After getting cleaned up, we got a recommendation for lunch and then walked a few blocks on the level, then up one street, and then down a long steep street with blocks of steps on the sidewalk. When we had almost reached the bay, we arrived at La Concepcion.  The waiter showed us to a lovely table on the terrace with a bay view. We proceeded to unwind and enjoy a delectable meal, a spicy shrimp curry and rice for the Chief Penguin and for me, grilled hake on quinoa with julienned zucchini, carrots and red pepper. Service was attentive, but not hovering, and it was a great way to refuel mentally and physically.

Before dinner, we took another shorter walk checking out a small park, viewing more art murals, and stopping to see the ascenseur, the small elevator that runs up and down one of the steep hills to the bay below.  I think we will ride it tomorrow.

Note:  All photos ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved).