Chile: Pre-Columbian Art


Happy Thanksgiving to all my American readers!  We’re still in Santiago so no turkey for us this year, but we’ve had an absolutely marvelous time these past four weeks.

Yesterday we toured the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino or the Museum of Pre-Columbian Art.  It’s in an historic building that was damaged by the 2010 earthquake.  It took five years of restoration and refurbishment before it re-opened to the public.  Exhibits on the second or main floor cover examples of ceramics, sculpture, and textiles from different ethnic groups from the greater Latin America area including Ecuador and Peru.

Man chewing coca leaves (By a Capuli potter).
Burial Urn (Mosquito Culture, AD 1200-1500)

I found the separate textile gallery especially noteworthy—the level of detail in some of the patterns and the intricacy of the weaving were amazing. No photos here, alas.  Fortunately, the exhibit labels were in English as well as Spanish throughout the museum.

We then descended several staircases to the lower level exhibit focusing exclusively on Pre-Columbian art from Chile. And what an experience this was!  The space has black walls and is minimally lit with cases displaying ceramics, fabrics and sculpture.  What was most striking were the lifesize carved wooden male and female figures.  They were made by the Mapuche people and put on top of tombs to pave their journey to the afterlife.

We relaxed in the afternoon, took another walk to the local park, and then had an early dinner at Gracia, a tapas restaurant several blocks away. The tapas weren’t the equal of Barcelona or Coqueta in San Francisco, but fit the bill. The Serrano ham was the highlight.

Today we wind up our trip and return to the States. The Chileans have been most welcoming, and we feel as if we made a few friends along the way. Hasta la vista!

Note:  All photos by JWFarrington.  Header photo is an example of street art next to a bit of graffiti in downtown Santiago.

Chile: Santiago Markets


Yesterday we were picked up by Pablo. He was the first driver we met almost four weeks ago and on this morning was accompanied by his wife and fellow tour guide, Carolina. Together they run a business called Bike and Wine, but also do custom tours as well.  Both are outgoing and well informed and happy to share their thoughts about Chilean life and the country’s recent history.

This was a morning of scenic views and markets.  We first went to Cerro San Cristobal to ride the cable car to its summit.  It’s the  second highest point in the city and part of a large park with a swimming pool.  Opened in 2016, this is a very modern and long cable car system. 

You drift and sway gently (there was no breeze) upward, stopping about of the third of the way for anyone going to the pool, and then continue up and up some more, seeing marvelous views of the sprawling city with the Andes Mountains in the far distance. There was some haze so not as clear as sometimes.

We exited at the top and walked up a few stairs for a view of the statue of the Virgin Mary which looms at the true summit up another winding staircase. We did not do that climb.  But we admired the views and appreciated seeing both new Santiago with skyscrapers and the historic city with its low buildings.

To return to street level, we stood in the historic green funicular (1925) with its boxy wooden cars. This route to the bottom is a much straighter, direct one, and the ride shorter with less of a view. While en route and ascending and descending, we and Carolina engaged in a lively dialogue about the problems facing the Catholic Church and the mass resignation of all the bishops here after the pope’s recent visit.


We spent the remainder of the morning visiting three markets. The famous Mercado Central is an historic building, designed by an English architect and dating from 1872. Today it houses the seafood market and a plethora of restaurants. Larger fancy ones in the center of the building hoping to entice tourists with displays of their dishes and smaller ones ringing the periphery which the locals prefer.

Slightly separated are arrays of fresh fish for sale—salmon, hake, reineta, abalone—and all kinds of seafood from shrimp to clams to mussels to even fresh barnacles.  Gazing into a barnacle was like looking at a pair of violet eyes. Eerie.

We also made the rounds of the produce market where cherries have just come into season, and beautiful strawberries and cabbages shared space with two kinds of corn (Americano and fatter Chilean ears), huge sweet red peppers, fat asparagus spears, and many sizes and colors of potatoes.  Appealing colors everywhere we looked!


The flower market is also in this area, and I liked seeing the various arrangements for weddings and funerals as well as fragrant pink and white roses and a spray of multi-colored lilies.

It was getting to be quite hot (the morning starts out cool, but by noon the day heats up) so we returned to the hotel.  We spent the afternoon relaxing before meeting friends of our San Francisco friend, Bernardo, for a lovely dinner at a nearby restaurant.

Today we will visit a museum on our next to last day in this vibrant city.

Note: All photos ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved).

Chile: Getting to Know Santiago


We arrived here on a Sunday after a very long day of travel. Four hours in a van to the Punta Arenas airport (leaving before dawn at 4:30 am), the usual long line for LATAM check-in, followed by a somewhat shorter security line, and then the 3 hours plus flight to Santiago.  The Santiago airport is always jammed and baggage delivery is slow, but eventually we made our way to the hotel. It’s an oasis of American comfort. Not distinctly Chilean, just very comfortable. Everything works and everyone is efficient, aspects we appreciate more and more as we begin to wind up or wind down our travels.

The first order of business was our usual walk around the neighborhood. Compared to the 40 degrees we left in Patagonia, it was very bright and hot and 90 degrees!  We are in a business district full of banks, tall buildings, apartments and condos.  

There is a very nice park nearby, a street with several blocks of small restaurants, plus some of the not so unusual American chains—Brooks Brothers, Le Pain Quotidienne, and Total Wine.

We noted that many of the park benches were cleverly and creatively painted with different patterns and images. Fun! And there were families with young children romping on the play equipment.

Yesterday we engaged with the subway system. The day before the CP purchased a BIP card. You select an amount and pay for it and then two people can use it for rides. One person touches the card and goes through the turnstile and then hands the card back to the second person to touch in. And it’s legal!  

The subway station was just across the street from our hotel and we rode Line 1 about six stops to the transfer station and then successfully navigated our way to the Combinacion or transfer to Line 5 which we took two more stops to Plaza de Armas.

Plaza de Armas is the main square downtown and ringed by impressive and important institutions.  

The Catholic cathedral is here, the Chilean history museum, city hall and more. We admired the thickly trucked palm trees and the beautiful purple jacaranda trees and observed all the people coming and going on this bright sunny morning. We spent some time wandering around this area just looking at city life and then returned to our hotel for lunch and some downtime out of the heat.

Later we took another walk in our area, noting a street lined with different contemporary sculptures, and then had dinner at a trendy contemporary wine bar and restaurant called KM 0, short for Kilometer Zero.

KM 0

We were among the very few diners at 7:00 pm, being Americans and hungry. My salmon was covered with a mustard yellow sauce of puréed yellow sweet peppers and some shrimp and served with roast potatoes.

The Chief Penguin went for the daily special, shrimp fricassee, and was surprised to see a poached egg oozing on top of the shrimp, peas, spinach, and French fries.  He ate quickly to avoid the egg! We had ordered side dishes of green beans (served cold which we didn’t expect) and French fries, not knowing what the fricasee entailed. It was good food, but not exceptional.

Note:  All photos ©JWFarrington (some rights reserved).

Salmon with yellow chili sauce and shrimp
Shrimp fricassee